Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Basement Office for Bill?

Bill Clinton appeared on This Week Sunday, and said he hopes to continue his work on Global AIDS and Poverty if Hillary Clinton is elected president. Bill Clinton expects to have an office and work out of the White House, though he's not sure exactly where.

"I'll have an office wherever I'm given one," Bill Clinton told George Stephanopolous "If they want to give it to me in the basement of the White House, I'll be happy."

Since leaving the White House, Bill Clinton has focused his energy on the Clinton Foundation, which tackles issues of global concern including HIV/AIDS, poverty, and global climate change.

The Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiaitive has succesfully negotiated with numerous pharmaceutical companies to significantly lower the cost of HIV/AIDS medications for the developing world. According to the Foundation, 66 countries, representing 90% of all HIV/AIDS cases in the developing world, have access to these lower prices.

Clinton has advocated passionately for a comprehensive response to the global AIDS Epidemic, speaking at events around the world, including the 2006 International AIDS Conference

1 Comment:

Ada said...

how great he is! but we HIVs on positivesingles.com just wanna that he will give more attention to us HIVs,pay more attention to our treatment and cure n prevention,that's ok.

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