Forbes Magazine reports that Hillary Clinton has signed the 08 Stop AIDS platform, committing to support $50 billion dollars by 2013 to fight the global HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Clinton joins John Edwards & Bill Richardson in supporting $50 billion over five years to fight HIV/AIDS globally. Edwards released his plan to fight HIV/AIDS in September which included the $50 billion goal and other 08 Stop AIDS goals, though he has not formally endorsed the platform. Bill Richardson endorsed the platform earlier this year.
While Obama released his plan to fight HIV/AIDS in October, it did not include the $50 billion commitment. AIDS activists who have talked to him on the campaign trail report he has been unwilling to commit to a specific amount.
Unlike Obama & Edwards, the Clinton campaign has not yet released their own HIV/AIDS agenda. Activists had planned to target Clinton at a protest at the October 30th Democratic Presidential Debate. With news of the Clinton endorsement of 08 Stop AIDS, the demonstration will focus more broadly on raising awareness of HIV/AIDS in the 2008 campaign.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Hillary Clinton Endorses 08 Stop AIDS Platform
Posted by David Mariner at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Clinton, Global AIDS
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Mike Huckabee Compares Safe Sex to Domestic Violence and Drunk Driving
With Sam Brownback, the darling of the religious right, pulling out of the race for the White House, the right appears to be giving Mike Huckabee a second look. Frontrunners Giuliani and Romney are suspect among the "republican wing of the republican party" due to their past history of tolerance towards the LGBT community. Huckabee, however, has an anti-gay track record. And as a Baptist Minister, he has instant credibility with the right.
So while Brownback considers endorsing Giuliani, Mike Huckabee continues to say all the things the religious right wants to hear, including support for federal funding of abstinence-only-until-marriage programs.
Overwhelming evidence tells us abstinence-only programs do not work. Even a 10-year study funded by Congress itself, shows that they these programs don't work, and they might as well be throwing the money out the window.
Huckabee, however, recently told the Christian Broadcasting Network:"Abstinence education provides a valuable counterweight to peer pressure and the message young people get from the popular culture encouraging casual relationships and separating sex from love, commitment and marriage. I do not believe in teaching about sex or contraception in public schools. That is the responsibility of parents. "I am disappointed that funding for abstinence education is not likely to be renewed by the Democrat Congress. This reversal only emphasizes how important it is for Republicans to take back Congress and win the White House with an authentic conservative in 2008."I miss the America I grew up in where the Gideons gave Bibles to fifth graders instead of school nurses giving condoms to eighth graders. With so much at stake, it's important that we return to the core values and guiding principles which have made our country great."
In fact, the metaphor-inclined Huckabee, recently went so far as to compare safe-sex to domestic violence and drunk driving. Huffington Post reports that at a recent campaign stop, Huckabee was asked if his religious views would get in the way of funding HIV prevention. His answer in part:
"If we really are serious about stopping a problem, whether it's drunk driving...we don't say "Don't drive 'as drunk'?" ...This is an illogical thing that we apply to that one area that we don't apply to any other area. And I'm open-minded to all the arguments, if someone can convince me a little reckless behavior is OK. Maybe that's the message. But it would seem to me that if we're consistent in saying reckless behavior is undesirable we should ask people to move their behavior to the standard and not move the standard to the behavior...We don't say that a little domestic violence is OK, just cut it down a little, just don't hit quite as hard. We say it's wrong."
You can see the video of the exchange here
Posted by David Mariner at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: Huckabee
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Barack Obama Plan to Fight HIV/AIDS
The following is a reprint of the Barack Obama Plant to Fight HIV/AIDS, released in October, 2007Barack Obama, Fighthing HIV/AIDS Worldwide
“We are all sick because of AIDS - and we are all tested by this crisis. It is a test not only of our willingness to respond, but of our ability to look past the artificial divisions and debates that have often shaped that response. When you go to places like Africa and you see this problem up close, you realize that it's not a question of either treatment or prevention – or even what kind of prevention – it is all of the above. It is not an issue of either science or values – it is both. Yes, there must be more money spent on this disease. But there must also be a change in hearts and minds, in cultures and attitudes. Neither philanthropist nor scientist, neither government nor church, can solve this problem on their own - AIDS must be an all-hands-on-deck
effort.” -Barack Obama, World AIDS Day Speech, Lake Forest, CA, 12/1/06
There are 40 million people across the planet infected with HIV/AIDS, including more than 1 million people in the U.S., with nearly 8,000 people dying every day of AIDS. Barack Obama believes that we must do more to fight the global HIV/AIDS pandemic, as well as malaria and tuberculosis. In 2006, Obama traveled to Kenya and, along with his wife Michelle, took an HIV/AIDS test to encourage African men and women to be tested for the disease. Obama believes in working across party lines to combat this epidemic and joined Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) at a large California evangelical church to promote greater investment in the global AIDS battle. As president, Obama will continue to be a global leader in the fight against AIDS.
Develop a National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Obama has pledged that, in the first year of his presidency, he will develop and begin to implement a comprehensive national HIV/AIDS strategy that includes all federal agencies. The strategy will be designed to reduce HIV infections, increase access to care, and reduce HIV-related health disparities. His strategy will include measurable goals, timelines, and accountability mechanisms.
Fix the Nation’s Health Care System: 47 million Americans are uninsured in this country. Barack Obama is committed to signing universal health care legislation by the end of his first term in office that ensures all Americans have high-quality, affordable health care coverage. Obama’s plan will save a typical American family up to $2,500 every year on medical expenditures by providing affordable, comprehensive and portable health coverage for every American; modernizing the U.S. health care system to contain spiraling health care costs and improve the quality of patient care; and promoting prevention and strengthening public health to prevent disease and protect against natural and man-made disasters. His health plan will ensure that people living with HIV have access to lifesaving treatment and care.
Fight Disparities: HIV has hit some communities harder than others. For example, while African-Americans make up 13 percent of the U.S. population, they make up 49 percent of new HIV/AIDS cases. AIDS is the leading cause of death in African-American women aged 25-34, and the third leading cause of death in African-American men in the same age group. In 2005, 64 percent of women living with HIV/AIDS were black. Obama will tackle the root causes of health disparities by addressing differences in access to health coverage and promoting prevention and public health, both of which play a major role in addressing disparities. He will also challenge the medical system to eliminate inequities in health care through quality measurement and reporting, implementation of effective interventions such as patient navigation programs and diversification of the health workforce.
Improve Quality of Life for Those Living with HIV/AIDS: Obama is a strong supporter of the Ryan White Care Act (RWCA), which provides critical access to life-saving treatment and care for over half a million lowincome Americans with HIV/AIDS. The RWCA is one of the largest sources of federal funds for primary health care and support services for patients with HIV/AIDS. The bill was named after Ryan White, an Indiana teenager whose courageous struggle with HIV/AIDS helped educate the nation. Throughout the reauthorization process of the RWCA, Obama worked closely with RWCA service providers, the Chicago Department ofPublic Health, and the Illinois Department of Public Health to analyze and find ways to improve the program for Illinois and for the nation. Obama will continue to protect the multifaceted care upon which RWCA beneficiaries depend.
Assure Adequate and Safe Housing for Those Living With HIV: Obama supports increased funding for Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA) and other pertinent housing programs. These programs aim to assure that adequate and safe housing is available for all disabled and low-income people with HIV/AIDS in the U.S.
Expand Funding for Research: Barack Obama will expand funding for research, especially for prevention options including a vaccine and microbicides. Microbicides are a class of products currently under development that women apply topically to prevent transmission of HIV and other infections. Obama led an effort with Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and others to introduce the Microbicide Development Act, which will accelerate the development of products that empower women in the battle against AIDS. In the United States, the percentage of women diagnosed with AIDS has quadrupled over the last 20 years. Today, women account for more than one quarter of all new HIV/AIDS diagnoses.
Promote AIDS Prevention: In addition to assuring access to treatment, Obama believes we need to increase the focus on preventing new infections. We cannot keep pace with treatment needs if we don’t also focus on prevention. This means pursuing a strategy that relies on sound science and builds on what works. Obama supports comprehensive sex education that is age-appropriate. He supports increasing federal appropriations for science-based HIV prevention programs. Obama supports the JUSTICE Act, which would prevent transmission of HIV within the incarcerated population. He also supports legislation that would lift the ban on federal funding for needle exchange as a strategy to reduce HIV transmission among injection drug users and their partners and children.
Bring Medicaid Coverage to Low-Income, HIV-Positive Americans: Obama is a co-sponsor of the Early Treatment of HIV Act, which would provide Medicaid coverage to more low-income, HIV-positive Americans.
Reauthorize and Revise PEPFAR: The U.S. has dramatically increased funding for global HIV and AIDS programs through the President’s Emergency Program for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), but the program has faced controversy. Obama believes that our first priority should be to reauthorize PEPFAR when it expires in 2008 and rewrite much of the bill to allow best practices – not ideology – to drive funding for HIV/AIDS programs.
In addition, Obama supports adding an additional $1 billion a year in new money over the next five years to strengthen and expand the program to Southeast Asia, India, and Eastern Europe, where the pandemic is expanding.
Increase Investments for HIV Treatment: Barack Obama is committed to increasing U.S. investments in the capacity building needed to ensure that poor countries are able to develop the health care infrastructure necessary to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS, promote basic health care, reduce the spread of malaria and TB, and prevent and, if necessary, contain the spread of avian flu and other pandemics.
Increase Contribution to the Global Fund: Obama supports increasing U.S. contributions to the Global Fund for AIDS, malaria, and TB so that our assistance is coordinated with aid provided by other governments and private donors and so that the burden on poor countries is reduced.
Provide Access Through Trade: Barack Obama believes that people in developing countries living with HIV/AIDS should have access to safe, affordable generic drugs to treat HIV/AIDS. He will break the stranglehold that a few big drug and insurance companies have on these life-saving drugs. Obama supports the rights of sovereign nations to access quality-assured, low-cost generic medication to meet their pressing public health needs under the WTO’s Declaration on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). He also supports the adoption of humanitarian licensing policies that ensure medications developed with U.S. taxpayer dollars are available off-patent in developing countries.
Achieve the Millennium Development Goals: As president, Barack Obama will double U.S. foreign assistance from $25 billion per year to $50 billion per year to ensure the U.S. does its share to meet the Millennium Development Goals, including halving the number of people who die of tuberculosis and/or are affected by malaria. In 2005, Obama cosponsored the International Cooperation to Meet the Millennium Development Goals Act. Barack Obama will target this new spending toward strategic goals, including helping the world’s weakest states to build healthy and educated communities, reduce poverty, develop markets, and generate wealth. He will also help weak states to fight terrorism, halt the spread of deadly weapons, and build the health care infrastructure needed to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS as well as detect and contain outbreaks of avian influenza. Obama will dedicate as much funding to HIV/AIDS as possible – without cutting into other critical foreign assistance programs – to ensure a comprehensive fight against this global pandemic.
Reduce Debt of Developing Nations: Developing nations are amassing tremendous amounts of foreign debt that limit their economic development and make investments in public health, education, and infrastructure extremely difficult. Debt in Sub-Saharan Africa stands at $235 billion, 44 percent of the region’s gross domestic product and an increase of 33 percent since 1990. Obama would work with other developed nations and multilateral institutions to cancel remaining onerous debt while pushing reforms to keep developing nations from slipping into fiscal ruin. Obama also would better coordinate trade and development policies to use the full range of America’s economic power to help developing nations reap the benefits of the global trading system. Obama cosponsored the Multilateral Debt Relief Act of 2005 to provide multilateral debt relief to Heavily Indebted Poor Countries.
Posted by David Mariner at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Obama
Friday, October 19, 2007
Giuliani Asked About HIV/AIDS, Answers 9/11
If you need any further evidence that Giuliani is a one-note-wonder, check out this article in the Iowa Independent. Giuliani manages to work 9/11 into every campaign stop, and at a recent appearance in Iowa, he even answered and HIV/AIDS question with one of his stock 9/11 responses:
After about 10 minutes of prepared remarks, Giuliani began taking questions. Asked about increasing federal support for HIV medications, Giuliani discussed what he considers appropriate federal responsibility in health care. "I don't want to promise you the federal government will take over the role," he said, drawing applause and shouts of "all right." Then, in some interesting twists, he turned the HIV question into a 9/11 answer:
click here to read the whole article.
Posted by David Mariner at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: Giuliani
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hillary Clinton Statement on National Latino AIDS Awareness Day
from the Hillary Clinton WebsiteAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hispanics in the United States are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS. Although Hispanics comprised 13 percent of the U.S. population in 2005, they accounted for 19 percent of new HIV/AIDS diagnoses. Hispanic women are especially vulnerable. The CDC reports that their infection rate was more than five times higher than that of white women in 2005. Hillary Clinton issued the following statement to mark National Latino AIDS Awareness Day, observed on October 15th:
"Latinos account for the second highest rate of AIDS cases in the United States, by race or ethnicity. The epidemic has disproportionately affected Latinas and young adults. And while there has been progress in addressing the spread of the disease, the Latino community still faces tremendous challenges -including cultural and language barriers-- in the fight for the rights and needs of people living with HIV/ AIDS. During National Latino Aids Awareness Day, groups and individuals across the country gather to promote and sponsor information and prevention activities in the Hispanic community.
"I have long fought to fully fund the Ryan White CARE Act to improve access to treatment and support for those living with this tragic disease. I also wrote the Early Treatment for HIV Act, which expands access to vital treatment options for low-income individuals living with HIV. As President, I will continue taking bold steps to confront and eradicate AIDS and to support those living with the disease. The American Health Choices Plan that I have proposed also includes provisions that will eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in health care, and increase diversity and cultural and linguistic competency in the health care system.
"On National Latino AIDS Awareness Day, let us commemorate the lives lost to this epidemic, and recommit to continue our fight against the spread of the disease, through dialogue, advocacy and community awareness."
To learn more about National Latino AIDS Awareness Day, visit
To see pictures from National Latino AIDS Awareness Day events in Washington, DC: click here.
Posted by David Mariner at 8:03 AM 1 comments
Labels: Clinton, Latino Community
Sunday, October 14, 2007
POZ Magazine Article on Presidential Candidates and HIV/AIDS
Nicole Joseph wrote the following piece for POZ MagazineWill the 2008 U.S. presidential hopefuls commit to fighting HIV/AIDS? (And how you can encourage them to care.)
On September 18, former Senator John Edwards became the first 2008 presidential candidate to announce a plan to fight HIV/AIDS in the United States and abroad. Activists and people living with HIV applauded Edwards's plan—which would provide universal access to health care for HIV-positive Americans by 2012. It would also create a national strategy to fight AIDS that offers all people equal access to care and bases prevention efforts on science rather than political ideology. The HIV community has long awaited any sign of support from those vying to become this country's future leader. "We're hoping that all the candidates put out as detailed a plan as Edwards has," says Christine Campbell, director of national advocacy and organizing at Housing Works, a New York-based AIDS service group.
In an election year when national health care is a front-burner issue, one would think that addressing the AIDS pandemic would be a priority on every candidate's platform. But the topic has been noticeably absent from initial debates and public forums. Even though Senator Hillary Clinton said in June that “If HIV/AIDS were the leading cause of death of white women between the ages of 25 and 34, there would be an outraged outcry in this country,” her recently released health care plan made no specific provisions for addressing the concerns of HIV-positive black women, let alone the rest of the HIV community. Rebecca Haag, executive director of AIDS Action, says, "[With] more than 1.7 million HIV infections [to date] and over half a million deaths in the domestic AIDS epidemic, our government still does not have a comprehensive plan to respond effectively." The virus continues to infect tens of thousands of new people a year and has 1.2 million in its grip in the U.S. alone.
What made Edwards speak out about AIDS? Was it intense political pressure delivered in recent weeks by watchdog groups who highlighted each presidential candidate’s commitment, or lack thereof, to the AIDS fight? Was it the call to action ( delivered to all presidential hopefuls by more than 100 organizations fighting HIV just days before Edwards released his plan? Was it the questionnaire posed to each candidate by the Campaign to End AIDS (C2EA)? Or was it Larry Frampton, a 46-year-old HIV-positive man, who traveled to one of Edwards’s campaign stops in Iowa?
Frampton waited hours to grab a chance to speak with the senator, eventually making his way to the front of the crowd and asking Edwards when he planned to post his domestic and global AIDS policy. Frampton then told Edwards that he'd been living with HIV for 18 years. Senator Edwards gave Frampton a hug and said, "We have a lot of work to do."
Frampton’s move, known as “bird-dogging” (which he describes as "getting people organized to ask the candidates the same question over and over again until they actually answer"), is one thing HIV-positive people can do to voice their concerns to the candidates. And, depending on the candidate’s response, sometimes the influence moves in both directions: Frampton says that his encounter with Edwards has him "definitely leaning" toward voting for Edwards.
“Every time I have bird-dogged and every time I have told a candidate that I'm a person living with HIV, they at least listen, and most of the time, they're more apt to listen to someone who's got a story to tell," says Frampton. "And so as a person living with HIV, you've got an opportunity to get out there and tell your story, and maybe get them to do some action on some things."
Across the country other members of the AIDS community are becoming more vocal about their expectations of the candidates. In Iowa, there is a statewide group—Iowans for AIDS Action—working together to encourage the candidates to adopt plans to fight the epidemic in the U.S. and around the world. The network of people living with HIV, religious leaders, researchers, medical and undergraduate students and AIDS service providers are living proof of the notion that ordinary people can do extraordinary things. “It doesn’t take a specially trained activist or political junkie [to make a difference],” says Michael Kink, legislative council for Housing Works. “It’s on all of us to make sure that the presidential candidates address [HIV/AIDS] clearly and in a straightforward manner.”
Whether the pressure on candidates comes from one individual, like Frampton, or from a larger, united perspective, one thing is evident: AIDS activists are not content to stand quietly by as the other candidates ignore their issues. And the broad, sweeping plans of the past aren't welcome in the 2008 election. They want specifics. Democratic presidential hopeful Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) recently announced her recommendation for a health plan that would require every U.S. citizen to have health insurance. While this would inevitably benefit HIV-positive people, members of the AIDS community are still waiting to hear her answers to the tougher questions. For example: How much funding will be allocated to prevent and treat HIV and when can we expect to see it? "General health care plans don't necessarily address the specifics of what's needed to actually end the epidemic," says Housing Works' Campbell. "Anyone who presents a plan needs to be able to provide specific details."
A good way to educate yourself about key issues affecting the HIV community is to review the points put forth by AIDS Action’s call to action for a national strategy to fight AIDS ( Even if you don’t plan to try to bird-dog yourself, you can lend your support by signing the call to action demanding that candidates commit to a national AIDS strategy.
The Campaign to End AIDS (C2EA) site examines the candidates' stances on HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care. It is another great place to bring yourself up to speed so that you can be prepared to speak with candidates, write to politicians or just know who to vote for. AIDSvote organizers’ recent questionnaire surveyed the candidates' positions on a variety of issues. The topics ranged from "abstinence only" prevention programs to the Early Treatment for HIV Act (ETHA), a domestic initiative that would allow HIV-positive people who are not disabled to access Medicaid. So far, only Senator Edwards, Governor Bill Richardson (D-N. M.) and Senator Barack Obama (D-Ill.) have responded to the questionnaire. "We've got a team of C2EA activists fanning out to call the campaigns and get in some more questionnaires," says Kink. "It’s important to reach out to all the candidates in both parties."
Reaching the candidates, however, means more than just sending petitions and questionnaires. It takes a personal touch, a Larry Frampton, to move a person to action. That's why provides a detailed guide “Bird-dogging 101,” to help you make a difference. With plans to launch an updated site soon, will also offer a calendar containing information on the candidates' campaign stops so that members of the HIV/AIDS community can meet them—face to face—at the front lines.
If you’re not able to intersect candidates on the presidential campaign trail soon, you could plan a trip for next spring, a critical time in the ’08 presidential race, to attend AIDSWatch, sponsored by the National Association of People With AIDS. The annual event offers another direct avenue for lobbying those who make policy. AIDSWatch is scheduled for April 2008 and will bring hundreds of AIDS advocates from across the country to Washington, DC, to discuss AIDS funding and programming with elected officials.
Christine Campbell says that the community shouldn’t wait around for the candidates to speak out about the epidemic, and suggests that they should educate themselves about the issues and take a proactive approach to politics. "Write [to politicians], go to their events, and when there's an opportunity to specifically ask them questions, ask them to address specific issues, like whether they support lifting the ban on syringe-exchange programs; if they're willing to commit $50 billion in resources to HIV and AIDS; if they will develop a national strategy to actually end AIDS in the United States; and if they'll support their health care workers abroad," she says. "If we can educate people [in the HIV-positive community] about the specific policy points, when they go to [political] events, they can ask [politicians] directly 'will you do this'?"
And maybe some other candidates will finally respond – to your face, to your story and to your inescapable reality of living with HIV in a country whose future leaders seem reluctant to face the epidemic they will inherit.
Posted by David Mariner at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
An HIV/AIDS Research Agenda for Black Gay Men
The statistics on HIV and black gay men are sobering. A 2005 CDC study, conducted in 5 large US cities, found that HIV prevalence among black MSM (46%) was more than twice that among white MSM (21%). (citation). It's hard to imagine that in these cities almost half of all black gay men are living with HIV.
When it comes to HIV prevention, what works for white gay men does not necessarily work for black gay men. There's still a lot we need to understand about what is fueling these high HIV rates and what we should be doing about it.
Fortunately, the National Black Gay Men's Advocacy Coalition (NBGMAC), which formed shortly after this data was released, has been working hard to improve the health and well-being of black gay men through advocacy that is focused on research, policy, education and training. NBGMAC is housed in Washington, DC at the offices of Us Helping Us.
NBGMAC will continue to their work at the October 24th meeting of the NIH Office of AIDS Research Advisory Council (OAR). The OAR meeting will focus on challenges of HIV infection in racial and ethnic communities in the United States.
Dr. Leo Wilton will present a summary of the Black Gay Research Agenda for the NBGMAC and the Black Gay Research Group. The meeting will be held at 5635 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852 in the Terrace Level Conference Center.
It's an important step forward in advocating for the HIV research needs of black gay men, and you can be there. The meeting is open to the public. Time will be allowed for public comment at the end of the meeting. If you can attend and would like to attend, please contact Christina Brackna at (301) 402-8655 for additional information .
Posted by David Mariner at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Ask Hillary Clinton About HIV/AIDS: Online Health Care Forum
On Thursday, October 18, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. ET, a discussion with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) will be webcast live during the next “Health Care 2008: Presidential Candidate Forum.”
John Edwards was among the first candidates to be part of these web forums. He used his appearance as an opportunity to launch a detailed and comprehensive plan to fight HIV/AIDS at home and abroad.
Let's make sure Hillary Clinton answers our questions about her plans to fight HIV/AIDS. Viewers are welcome to submit questions for the presidential candidates. Questions will be presented to the panel of journalists for consideration. Click here to submit a question about HIV/AIDS to Hillary Clinton for the live forum.
The “Health Care 2008: Presidential Candidate Forums” will allow each Presidential candidate to discuss in detail his or her vision about health reform and the uninsured with a panel of leading health journalists from “The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer,” ABC News, National Public Radio, and The Wall Street Journal. The Forums are being organized by Families USA and the Federation of American Hospitals, produced by MacNeil-Lehrer Productions and hosted by the Kaiser Family Foundation in its Barbara Jordan Conference Center. The Foundation’s health news and information site,, will provide a live webcast of each forum. Shortly after the live webcast, an archived webcast, transcript and podcast will be available.
For a list of upcoming forums and to watch archived webcasts of previous forums, visit
Posted by David Mariner at 8:56 AM 1 comments
Labels: Clinton
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Jenna Bush Parts Ways with Bush Administration on HIV/AIDS
In an interview with Newsweek magazine, Jenna Bush states that after spending time in working with people living with HIV, she oppposes the Bush Administration domestic policy of abstinence-only-until-marriage sex education. Jenna says she supports a more comprehensive "ABC" approach (abstain, be faithful, use a condom).
There is no scientific evidence that abstinence-only-until-marriage programs, those that censor information about contraception, are effective. In fact, Congress funded a 10-year study of these programs which shows they do not work. Over the years Congress has wasted 1.5 billion dollars of taxpayer money on these programs that have no measurable effect.
Despite the overwhelming evidence, Congress recently funded yet another extension of abstinence-only-until-marriage programs.
read the newsweek article here
Posted by David Mariner at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: sex education
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
A Basement Office for Bill?
Bill Clinton appeared on This Week Sunday, and said he hopes to continue his work on Global AIDS and Poverty if Hillary Clinton is elected president. Bill Clinton expects to have an office and work out of the White House, though he's not sure exactly where.
"I'll have an office wherever I'm given one," Bill Clinton told George Stephanopolous "If they want to give it to me in the basement of the White House, I'll be happy."
Since leaving the White House, Bill Clinton has focused his energy on the Clinton Foundation, which tackles issues of global concern including HIV/AIDS, poverty, and global climate change.
The Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiaitive has succesfully negotiated with numerous pharmaceutical companies to significantly lower the cost of HIV/AIDS medications for the developing world. According to the Foundation, 66 countries, representing 90% of all HIV/AIDS cases in the developing world, have access to these lower prices.
Clinton has advocated passionately for a comprehensive response to the global AIDS Epidemic, speaking at events around the world, including the 2006 International AIDS Conference
Posted by David Mariner at 10:14 AM 1 comments
Labels: Clinton, Global AIDS